About Us
It all started with faith, family, duty, and coffee

It’s in our history
We would have to say that the EMS life has been in our blood for many generations and it is just part of who we are, it’s a way of life. We can go back to when our great, great (and for some, another great) grandpa Harry Logan was on the original Fire Department in Royalton Minnesota. This was back in the day when they had to keep the fire steam engine going 24/7 so that if there was a fire, it would be ready to go. That is true dedication for firemen to take awake shifts to keep it going around the clock – just in case.

The man, the myth, the legend
The next person who started it is pretty much the Patriarch of it all, our Dad and Grandpa Alfred Kimmons. He was the Police Chief in Onamia Minnesota for 25 years before he retired and during that time, he was also a Volunteer Fire Fighter and a First Responder.